Our Supporters

We would really like to thank the following organisations who have kindly donated prizes for our childrens disco:

Mini adventure golf (star city)

Twycross zoo

Ash End House Farm

Hatton Farm World

TGI Friday’s

The Entertainer

We would like to thank the following people for they’re kind donations – we appreciate it so much and are extremely grateful – without you all it wouldn’t be possible. THANK YOU!!

Phil & Jackie Kay

For their kind donation – thanks so much we really appreciate it x

Gran & Grandad Kay
For their kind donation – thanks so much we really appreciate it x

Sarah Pickering
For her kind donation – thanks so much we really appreciate it x

Melanie Harvey
For her kind donation – thanks so much we really appreciate it x

Clare Wadeson
For her kind donation – thanks so much we really appreciate it x

Lilly Shinebaum
For her kind donation – thanks so much we really appreciate it x

Jan & Rob Perry
For their kind donation – thanks so much we really appreciate it x

David & Rose Kay
For their kind donation – thanks so much we really appreciate it x

Christine, Mark & Ellie Ashton
For their kind donations – thanks so much we really appreciate it x

Nanna & Grandad Cook
For their kind donation – thanks so much we really appreciate it x

Dave & Jack Johnson

For their kind donation – thanks mate and to Jack for donating from his own pocket – it was really kind

Lincoln Harvey
For his amazingly generous donation – thanks so much Linc we really appreciate it! x


To Mark & Jo for their generous donation to Henry’s fund and a special thanks to Jo for organising all our PR, thanks so much x

Lichfield Printers

For printing tickets, leaflets & posters free of charge – Thank you!


A big big thank you to John Stevenson and Neville and Paul from Stebro Flooring who kindly came to lay the vinyl in Henry’s playroom. Thank you, it looks fantastic!


A big thank you to Chris @ Equazen for supplying us with a constant supply of Eye Q capsules – very kind of you (thanks to Gill for making it happen).

Jeannette & Barry Willetts (Henry’s Nanny & Gramps)

Which has helped us buy a Camcorder (to film Henry for feedback) and to do the playroom and floor.

Bill Harvey (Henry’s Great Uncle Bill)

Which has helped with the flooring and telephone consultations to America.

Brenda & Barry Kay (Henry’s Nanna & Grandad)

For supplying the frosted glass film and 2 way mirror film for Henry’s playroom.

Cauldwell Children’s Charity

For help with 80% funding to attend the Son-Rise courses in London. Without this it would of been impossible for us to attend.

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