Archive for the ‘Diary’ Category
Henry’s achievements in the past 3 weeks have been countless and include;
making lots of new friends – children and staff. They all think that he is wonderful, which we already know!
for the majority of time he looks like he is enjoying himself
he has started to work independently, without prompting, using cues form the other children if necessary. This tends to be during the phonics- read,write, inc session from 9-9.30am
becoming more confident to take part in group discussions and Read More >

We’re really sorry that we haven’t been updating the diary page for ages. We have now have some software which means it is easier for me to update the page on my own (although i have managed to delete the last 2 I’ve written so I’m hoping this one does manage to appear!)
At the end of April we had Henry’s annual review with the LEA and the great news is that they are going to continue to fund Henry’s program for the next 12 months which is a fantastic relief Read More >
Hi, sorry its been so long (erica, i will try and do better from now on!). Can’t believe the school holidays have been and gone. Henry was fantastic during all the trips we made in the holidays. This time when we met up with friends there was a significant improvement in the way he interacted with the other children – he was constantly in the middle of the activity, joining in and following the lead and taking turns really well. At his birthday party he was amazing. He just played al Read More >
We’re back! Had a fantastic holiday and Henry was a little star.
He coped so well with the journeys and getting woken up and transported at ridiculous hours! He was really excited about the boat and the little game we played in the playroom the day before we went really seemed to help him understand what to expect and ultimately he knew that we would end up at the caravan. In fact he seemed to have enjoyed it so much that this morning, the first morning he woke up at home, he’s first Read More >
I can’t believe it but I’m writing another post! Must be getting used to it now!
Henry is still making great progress and it really is wonderful to see how much he is changing almost on a daily basis. I was sat watching him whilst eating my dinner tonight and he was playing with his blue blanket and wrapping his toy shark in it, happily chatting away to himself and playing an imaginery game – it was fantastic to see him so contented and happy.
Hopefully we may have a new volunt Read More >
Hi everyone it’s Warwick making a rare appearance!
We’ve recently started keeping a record of Henry’s spontaneous language around the house and he’s being saying some amazing things and I wanted to share them with you all – here’s some of the language he’s used in the last few weeks:
“You are so clever”
“Girls – dinner time” (to Izzy & Maddy)
“Maddy, Izzy that’s enough!” (telling Maddy & Izzy to sto Read More >
What a great week!
Exciting News!
On Friday evening we had a call from the LEA to say that they had come to a decision about whether or not to help with the funding of Henry’s program and after an X-factor style pause the answer of YES!
It is fantastic news as not only will it take the pressure off us having to fund-raise as much but will also mean that when we do fund-raise hopefully we can start saving to take Henry to Autism Treatment Centre of America for an intensive program. We just hav Read More >
Today we have our second visit from Sarah Dargue which we are looking forward to. Henry is still making good progress although he has had a few sessions where he has been very lethargic. We think that he has been under the weather again although he seems brighter this week.
Henry has enjoyed the easter themes and loves finding different things hidden in eggs, which we have used to initiate many games and to do jigsaw puzzles.
His attention span has been really good when he has been in good spiri Read More >