This really struck a chord with me. Whether you are a parent just starting out with your child or a parent who has been travelling for a while i think it’s a really lovely message. I finally had a chance to properly spend time with an amazing parent i have always admired and she too talked of how it is a journey. There will still be diversions and holds ups, smooth roads and rough roads, breakdowns and pot-holes, dual carriage ways and dirt tracks. But as long as Henry, and all our kids, Read More >
On our way back from our HANDLE review with Sean Williams. Really interesting and helpful consultation. Henry’s started falling asleep on his own (and fairly quickly) and staying in his own bed since we saw Sean in January. This has been one of our goals since we began HANDLE do is a massive achievement. Almost at the same time as his sleep improved, he started having difficulties at school. Sean gave us a useful and exciting perspective that these 2 events are not unrelated. Rather than H Read More >
When I went into school with Henry and sat outside his classroom for support I couldn’t believe how noisy and chaotic it felt – I could hear 2 teachers talking at the same time, doors constantly opening and shutting, chairs moving, children talking, toilets flushing, cups clinking, footsteps, echoes and the general hum was not at a low level but really loud. I realised at that moment how amazing any children do to concentrate in this environment let alone children with extra challe Read More >
23rd January 2013
Had a little wobble this morning and didn’t want to go school this morning for the first time since he transitioned. After lots of talking and listening and then some of a more assertive approach me and Nicky were able to get him out of the house and once with his friends he cheered up. We have noticed a little difference in him lately and Nicky has at school and feel that his ‘sensory bucket’ is pretty full at the moment. Just so amazing that he is able to sh Read More >

Wow what an amazing 2012 it has been for Henry! A full year in mainstream school and doing amazingly well in all lessons and has lots of lovely friends. Also doing really well using the ‘Handle’ therapy too. Our first family trip on a plane and overall he’s just a delight to be with. Thank you so much to everyone who has supported us again this year, to James Kay and Jonni Kay for cycling from Bologna to Birmingham and raising lots of money to help Henry. Happy New Year & L Read More >

Is having real difficulties getting to sleep and then staying asleep.
We’re trying lots of different things to help but so far he still thinks ‘he can’t do it’ and especially ‘can’t do it his own’ and that he ‘can’t think of good things’. It’s probably no wonder he can’t switch off with everything going on for him. He is working really hard at school especially on his reading and making great progress and is muc Read More >