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Well it’s been quite a few weeks! It’s still totally overwhelming that Henry is going to school. Every Monday, Wednesday and Thursday morning when we get him dressed and take him to school I still can’t quite believe it. He already has a little moan about getting ready for school in the morning, ‘owww why do you have to go to school’. He’d only been about 3 times! Bless him! But he absolutely leaves the house fine and can’t wait to get into the playgroun Read More >

Can’t believe the summer holidays are over already or that Henry’s school uniform is laid out on his bedroom floor ready for him to put on tomorrow. The further Henry progressed on the Son-Rise Program we have thought about and talked about the possibility of Henry going to school but it was so hard to imagine it actually happening and now it is about to! Bridget, our fantastic volunteer and friend, who has been with us from the beginning, always said this day would come even when I Read More >

Just wanted to say a thank you to my lovely husband for his wonderful words, it was really beautiful to read what Warwick had written about our life with Henry. As many of you have picked up on though, it really hasn’t just been down to me.
Aside from anything else Warwick has mainly (along with my poor mom and the odd person who unfortunately picked the wrong day not to say thank you to me for holding the door open for them!) had to put up with my tantrums, tempers, breakdowns, panics Read More >