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Henry’s great auntie Christine Ashton has arranged a 50’s Rock ‘n’ Roll Fundraiser Party to raise some funds for Henry’s continued education under the Son-Rise program. Along with Henry’s great uncle Mark & 2nd cousin Ellie they have managed to get some fantastic raffle prizes together for the night – thank you so much for all the effort we really appreciate it!
The brilliant Raffle Prizes – well done and thanks everyone who donated:
- pamper kit
- golf umbrella
- Thornton’s fudge
- Thornton’s chocolate
- cider and glasses
- human league memorabilia
- sanctuary bath set
- 2 Sheffield Wednesday tickets
- 2 Sheffield United tickets
- honey and pot
- cup and saucer set
- bubble bath set
- Swarovski crystal poppy brooch – www.allthatsparkleshome.co.uk
- Swarovski crystal bag and belt set – www.allthatsparkleshome.co.uk
- Swarovski crystal necklace and earring set – www.allthatsparkleshome.co.uk
- photo frame
- girls toy hamper
- boys toy hamper
- regatta men’s jacket
- box of biscuits
- handbag
- body gel
- Tina turner cd
- 3 x red wine
- 3 x white wine
- Automatic Hole Punch
- Cup Cakes
- Gruffalo suitcase next
- Portable DVD player next
- Wall Clock – www.groovykindaluv.co.uk
- Hot Water Bottle – www.groovykindaluv.co.uk
- Wine Stand – www.groovykindaluv.co.uk
- Cushion – www.groovykindaluv.co.uk
- Overnight Stay with breakfast @ Staindrop Lodge – www.staindroplodge.co.uk
- Hair/beauty vouchers @ Gorgeous – www.gorgeoushairandbeautysheffield.co.uk
- Tigi Hair products – www.edenicsalon.co.uk
- Manicure Set
- Photo Album
- Picnic Set
- Tumblers
- Childrens Iron On Crayon Kit
- Childrens Puff n Frame Kit