The Circus


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I’ve been meaning to write this blog for a while now as I still can’t believe how amazing Henry has been in the last few weeks.

I’ll start with our amazing family trip to the circus. My dad does the signage for The Great British Circus and managed to get us ringside seats. We tried to take Henry a few years ago and I ended up sitting in the car for 2 hours as it was all too much for him with the noise and being so close to the animals.

This time around was a whole different story! Henry was excited as soon as we told him we were going to the circus which had tigers, horses, dogs etc

We arrived early (a rarity!) and took our ringside seats and Henry was excitedly chatting away and asking lots of questions before the show started.

First out were the big black horses and a ‘baby’ horse, literally about three feet away from us and Henry was delighted. Saying things like “he’s so cute dad”

At the interval the clowns were walking around the ring blowing giant bubbles for the kids to pop and one of them stopped right in front of Henry and blew him a bubble, she then invited him to come into the ring! Before I could say a word Henry had stood up! I asked him if he wanted to go with her and he said yes, so I lifted him into the ring! I turned to Penny and her face was like mine, a mixture of amazement, shock & fear for Henry!

He followed the clown to the other side of the ring and she made him stand in a giant bubble ring, moving his legs, arms and head before another clown pulled up the ring to pull a giant bubble to cover him. The first two attempts just popped, we were feeling very anxious and wanting them to get on with it before Henry became upset, but we didn’t need to worry as he was loving it! The third attempt was a success and went over Henry and popped on him and then they sent him out of the back of the ring into the dark.

I shot out of my seat thinking he might panic if he didn’t know where he was and couldn’t find us, but again I didn’t need to worry! I asked him if he enjoyed that and he said “that was amazing!” and “a bit yukky when the bubble popped!” – we were totally blown away to say the least!!!

He spent the rest of the show excitedly chatting away and clapping really enthusiastically after each act. It really was a fantastic night for all of us and was way beyond what we could of possibly imagined.

On Monday I also had the pleasure of looking after Henry for the day as Penny was enjoying a well deserved break away. I took him to nursery and picked him up for the first time. I arrived at the door and Henry was sitting waiting with the rest of the children, he saw me and his little face lit up and he gave me a massive wave. They let me in and he ran over and jumped into my arms and gave me a massive hug, it was so lovely to be greeted like that 🙂

Then I got to make a cameo in the playroom that Henry has been asking me to do for a long time! The first ten minutes he just spent looking at me, hugging me and giggling! I think he couldn’t believe I was in there with him!

So we’ve had an amazing few weeks and Henry is leaping forward every day, learning new things all the time and continuing to amaze us on a daily basis.

And today we went to see a mainstream school to hopefully get Henry into in September! And he is also hitting stage 5 on the son-rise development model in lots of areas!

You can probably tell I’m a VERY proud dad and husband and would like to say a huge thanks to Penny and all our amazing team for getting this far. Xxx

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