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Just wanted to say a thank you to my lovely husband for his wonderful words, it was really beautiful to read what Warwick had written about our life with Henry.  As many of you have picked up on though, it really hasn’t just been down to me.

Aside from anything else Warwick has mainly (along with my poor mom and the odd person who unfortunately picked the wrong day not to say thank you to me  for holding the door open for them!) had to put up with my tantrums, tempers, breakdowns, panics along the way, of which there have been many! 

But most of all Warwick has always been an amazing dad to Henry.  He has never judged Henry and constantly just accepted him and loved him for the little boy he was.  Son-rise focuses alot on acceptance and being non-judgemental and Warwick has always been a lot further ahead than me on this. 

He has always been patient and loving towards Henry and i don’t think he has ever lost his patience or temper with him and I know that he has never ever been disappointed with Henry, and their very close relationship now is testament to Warwick’s love and attitude.  Henry is very lucky to have him as his dad and Warwick’s positive attitude and belief in his son has definitely been a driving force in me being able to maintain Henry’s programme and the progress that Henry has been able to make. 

Warwick also made a big effort to go in the playroom with Henry  for probably half of the programme and is fantastic in there with him.  He made a massive contribution to Henry’s development and Henry still asks when his dad can come and play!  He needs to make a cameo appearance!!

He did all this whilst being self employed and with the added pressure that this brings.  Henry’s progress meant that he was able to set up an office in September and hope that he can acheive all he wants with the business now that he has more time to focus on it.

So thank you too Warwick, you should be really proud of yourself too.  With Henry and his programme you have been selfless with your time, love and support, and I truly couldn’t have done it without you, well without completely losing the plot!   

I think we need to raise a glass to all those son-rise dad’s out there too, well done guys, if nothing else for putting up with the son-rise mom’s, lol! xxxxxxx

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