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I just wanted to write a post to say how proud I am of Henry and the joy and love that he brings to my life every day.

It’s been a long journey since we found out Henry had Autism in 2008 and I still remember that day well and the tears we shed as we drove home from the assessment.

At that time we had no idea how the next few weeks would be, let alone the next few years. We were scared for the future and for what sort of life Henry would have.

We knew we would do whatever we could to make Henry’s life the best it could be. We looked at a couple of special schools, and although they do a great job we knew it wasn’t right for Henry so we started looking for alternatives. By chance Penny spotted an article in the local paper about a lady who lives very close to us that was doing the Son-Rise program and there was a lecture the next day which Penny went to. It touched her so much and gave us hope that we had to try it.

We booked on a weeks course in London, which changed our outlook and gave us a fresh hope and drive, and also made us realise that we weren’t alone and we could help Henry.

Back then Henry said about 20 single words and mainly pointed and grunted at what he wanted, the morning we got back from the course I got up with Henry and tried some of the techniques we had learned and that morning he said 5 new words! It was stunning and we knew we had made the right decision. We were so excited and optimistic.

We recruited a team of volunteers to help us run a part time program and we started to see a lot of progress and a lot of challenges that Henry needed help with. At the time Henry was also went to nursery part time which he didn’t like at all and was heartbreaking to try and get him to go everyday. So we took the brave step and decided to run the program full time. It was the best decision we have ever made for Henry.

Henry has continued to gallop on at an immense pace and amazes us every day with something new he says or does.

We are now reaching another exciting stage in Henry’s development, preparing him to be integrated into a mainstream school! We can’t believe we have reached this stage so quickly, which is a testament to Penny’s dedication and hard work over the past 3 years in managing such a fantastic program and team. All the planning, organising, managing, feedback and time spent with Henry in the playroom is just astounding whilst also looking after a family and working part time evenings at Pizza Express! I know how hard she works for all of us and it has really blown her away this week to see how brilliantly Henry has integrated into Nursey and the satisfaction it must have given her to know all the hard work is paying off now.

We still have a long way to go, but we have such belief in Henry that we know we can all do it as a team. We have had some amazing help along the way from Jo, Caz, Leah, Bridget, Nicky, Victoria, Mel, Claire, Jess, Alison, Jenny, Alex & Jess.

I would also like to mention the brilliant Son-Rise facilitators and teachers who help us Beth, Holly, Paula, Jack, Sean and the wonderful Carolina who we’ve had video consultations with from America for the last 2 years and are finally getting to meet next week! We are so excited and can’t wait to see her with Henry!

A special thanks also to Sarah who comes and helps Penny and our team every month, I know she keeps Penny focussed and on track and is invaluable to us.

Henry really is an amazing happy little boy now. He is a delight from the minute he walks into our room at 6:30am and asks “who gonna get me an apple today?” to the moment I take him to bed (which is my privelidge :)) and he says “love you dad, see you in the morning”

He is going through a stage of asking “how do you make that?” which can be anything from a toilet to a Xbox! And also “why do dogs have black noses?” – I struggle to answer some of these questions!!

He is also very loving and must tell me “love you dad” at least 3-4 times a day and “I’ll miss you dad” when I go to work.

As you can tell I’m a very proud Dad and husband to an amazing wife, thanks for reading this and thanks to everyone who supports us, we really couldn’t do it without you all.

Warwick x


  1. paula

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