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I can’t believe it but I’m writing another post! Must be getting used to it now!

Henry is still making great progress and it really is wonderful to see how much he is changing almost on a daily basis. I was sat watching him whilst eating my dinner tonight and he was playing with his blue blanket and wrapping his toy shark in it, happily chatting away to himself and playing an imaginery game – it was fantastic to see him so contented and happy.

Hopefully we may have a new volunteer coming on board. She came to meet us today and was very nice and has worked with another Son-Rise® family for the past 3 years so has great experience and won’t need much training. She met Henry and spent 15 mins in the playroom with him and bonded instantly which was great to see. She can work 3 – 4 days a week and also school holidays which is a great bonus for us. Fingers crossed it all works out.

The next couple of days with have Sarah Dargue from Autism at Home coming to work with us and our volunteers. She will be observing us all and giving us feedback and ideas on how we can improve our techniques and program. It really is a great help and keeps us all on track.

Also wanted to say another HUGE thank you to everyone who sponsored us for the Skydive – it has been an amazing effort and I think we might make the £4000 mark!!

Another thanks goes to an old friend and work colleague Karl Hughes who is running a 13 mile Canal Run from Wolverhampton to Birmingham to raise some funds for us – thanks Karl you’re a star!!

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