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BACK ROW (left to right): Alan Hill, Michael Steer, Simon Wright, Ian Dexter, Iain Lucas, Warwick Kay, Barry Kay, Ryan Billington, Lawrence Willetts.

FRONT ROW (left to right): Rosie Pownall, Laura Kay, Kelly Taylor-Cartwright

On the 26th April 2009 a brave group of 12 led by Warwick, father of Henry, took to the skies at RAF Weston-on-the-Green, near Bicester, to raise money to help fund the continued home education of four and a half year old Henry as we are currently not funded by the LEA.

Around 60 friends and family, and even the sunshine, came to support the charity skydivers, including local parents Alan Hill, Michael Steer, Iain Lucas and Rosie Pownall, Henry and his family. Warwick said, “We have been so touched by how many of our friends and family were willing to jump for Henry and by how many people have so generously sponsored our cause. We have had a fantastic day. It is amazing that we have raised at least £3500 which will make a massive difference to Henry’s program and his future”.

The courageous act even attracted corporate sponsorship from one of Warwick’s clients who have very kindly donated £500 to the fund.

Many thanks for all your support!

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