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Yesterday the week didn’t start too well, unfortunately Jo got bitten by Henry after he got very upset about something we are not sure about. We really hoped this would never happen, but Jo managed to turn it around and they had a really nice interaction with Crocodile and the roly poly action! So well done Jo and so sorry. Nicky did really well with Henry yesterday and he interacted with her really well, Nicky bought her trains in and Henry really enjoyed those.

But today has been fantastic. We did our first proper 8.30am to 4pm in the playroom and Henry was amazing. He has been so interactive and vocal today. Bridget had her second session with Henry and they had a fabulous time with lots of eye contact and giggles and this carried on with Caz in the next session. They both played some lovely games with him and he enjoyed action songs with them both and asked for more. He even told me about 5 things he and Caz had been doing which was so lovely because not only did he remember what he had been doing but he wanted to share it. A major step!

I had a lovely (and short!) session with him. He said ‘Let go frog’ without any prompting when we were chasing the frog and he really tried to say ‘Let go of frog’ when I encouraged him, but it was a bit tricky for him. He also joined in with songs we were singing like Incy Wincy Spider and This little Piggy (which he had been playing with Caz earlier). He initiated lots of games and really had the most amazing eye contact, I don’t think I needed to ask for him to look at me today. Apart from the fat lip (he banged his head on me accidentally though, we were playing the balancing game!!) it was a perfect day. He also initiated all the games with Warwick, requesting games like ‘horsey’ and ‘monster’. Here’s hoping it carries on!
Well done everyone x

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